Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 223 / Monday, November 18, 1996 / Notices
647–3953 (Office of the Coordinator for
Business Affairs). The announcement must
include name, affiliation, Social Security or
passport number and date of birth. The above
includes government and non-government
attendees. One of the following valid photo
ID’s will be required for admittance: U.S.
driver’s license with picture, passport, U.S.
government ID (company ID’s are no longer
accepted by Diplomatic Security). Enter from
the C Street Main Lobby.
Dated: November 7, 1996.
David A. Ruth,
Senior Coordinator for Business Affairs.
[FR Doc. 96–29407 Filed 11–15–96; 8:45 am]
[Public Notice 2474]
Bureau of Consular Affairs;
Registration for the Diversity
Immigrant (DV–98) Visa Program
: Notice of registration period and
requirements for the fourth year of the
Diversity Immigrant Visa Program.
This public notice provides
information on the procedures for
obtaining an opportunity to apply for
one of the 55,000 immigrant visas to be
made available in the DV category
during Fiscal Year 1998. This notice is
issued pursuant to 22 CFR 42.33, which
implements sections 201(a)(3), 201(e),
203(c) and 204(a)(1)(G) of the
Immigration and Nationality Act (8
U.S.C. 1151(a)(3), 1153(c), and
1154(a)(1)(G). Readers should note that
the Department published amendments
to its regulations at 22 CFR 42.33 in the
Federal Register on January 22, 1996.
[61 FR 1523.]
Information on the Entry Procedures
for the 55,000 Immigrant Visas To Be
Made Available in the DV Category
During Fiscal Year 1998
Sections 201(a)(3), 201(e), 203(c) and
204(a)(1)(G) of the Immigration and
Nationality Act, taken together
established, effective for Fiscal Year
1995 and thereafter, an annual
numerical limitation of 55,000 diversity
immigrant visas to be made available to
persons from countries that have had
low rates of immigration to the United
States. The DV–98 registration mail-in
period will last 30 days and will be held
from noon on February 3, 1997 through
noon on March 5, 1997. This will give
those eligible, both in the United States
and overseas, ample time to mail in an
How Are the Visas Being Apportioned?
The visas will be apportioned among
six geographic regions. A greater
number of visas will go to those regions
that have had lower immigration rates
as determined pursuant to INA 203(c).
There is, however, a limit of seven
percent (or 3,850) on the use of visas by
natives of any one foreign state. The
regions, along with their Fiscal Year
1998 allotments are:
Africa: (21,179) Includes all countries
on the continent of Africa and adjacent
Asia: (7,280) Includes all countries
except China, both mainland and
Taiwan born, India, Philippines, South
Korea, and Vietnam; (Hong Kong is
Europe: (23,213) Includes all
countries except Great Britain (United
Kingdom) and its dependent territories
and Poland; (Northern Ireland is
North America: (8) The Bahamas is
the only eligible country this year;
(Canada is not eligible for this year’s
Oceania: (844) Includes Australia,
New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and
all countries and islands in the South
South America, Central America, and
the Caribbean: (2,476) Includes all
countries except Colombia, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Jamaica, and
Who Is Eligible?
‘‘High admission’’ countries are not
eligible for the program. ‘‘High
admission’’ countries are defined as
those from which the United States has
received more than 50,000 immigrants
during the last five fiscal years for
which data is available in the immediate
relative, or family or employment
preference categories. See INA
203(c)(1)(A). Each year the Immigration
and Naturalization Services adds the
family and employment immigrant
admission figures for the previous five
fiscal years to identify the countries that
must be excluded from the annual
diversity lottery. For 1998, ‘‘high
admission’’ and therefore ineligible
countries are: China (mainland and
Taiwan), India, The Philippines,
Vietnam, South Korea, Poland, United
Kingdom and dependent territories
(except see below), Canada, Mexico,
Jamaica, El Salvador, Colombia, and The
Dominican Republic.
Natives of Hong Kong and Northern
Ireland are eligible to apply for this
year’s lottery.
What Are the Requirements?
In addition to being born in a
qualifying country, applicants must
either (1) have a high school education
or its equivalent or (2) within the past
five years, have two years of work
experience in an occupation that
requires at least two years of training or
experience. See INA 203(c)(2).
There is no fee or special petition
form that must be completed to enter.
The entry must be typed or clearly
printed in the English alphabet on a
sheet of plain paper and must include
the following:
1. Applicant’s Full Name
Last Name (Surname/Family Name),
First Name and Middle Name
(Underline Last Name/Surname/Family
Example: Public, George Quincy
2. Applicant’s Date and Place of Birth
Date of birth: Day, Month, Year
Example: 15 November 1961
Place of birth: City/Town, District/
County/Province, Country
Example: Munich, Bavaria, Germany
Please use the current name of the
country (e.g. Kazakstan, Russia, Croatia,
Slovakia, Eritrea, etc.), if different from
the name in use at the time of birth.
3. Name, Date and Place of Birth of
Applicant’s Spouse and Minor Children,
if Any
The spouse and child(ren) of an
applicant who is registered for DV–98
status are automatically entitled to the
same status. To obtain a visa on the
basis of this derivative status, a child
must be under 21 years of age and
Note: DO NOT list parents as they are not
entitled to derivative status.
4. Applicant’s Mailing Address, and
Phone Number, if Possible
The mailing address must be clear
and complete, since it will be to that
address that the notification letter for
the persons who are registered will be
sent. A telephone number is optional.
5. Applicant’s Native Country if
Different From Country of Birth
6. A Recent 1
Inch by 1
Photograph of the Principal Applicant
The applicant’s name must be printed
across the back of the photograph. (The
photograph should be taped to the
application with clear tape, not attached
by staples or paper clips which can jam
the mail processing equipment.)
7. Principal Applicant’s Signature Is
Required on the Entry
The applicant must sign the entry
using his or her normal signature,
regardless of whether the entry is
prepared and submitted by the
applicant or someone else.
(Only the principal applicant, not the
spouse and children, needs to submit a
signature and photograph.)
Federal Register / Vol. 61, No. 223 / Monday, November 18, 1996 / Notices
This information must be sent by
regular mail or air mail to one of six
postal addresses in Portsmouth, New
Hampshire. Applicants must use the
correct postal zip code designated for
their native region (see addresses
below). Entries must be mailed in a
regular letter or business-size envelope
with the applicant’s native country, full
name, and complete mailing address
typed or clearly printed in the English
alphabet in the upper left-hand corner
of the envelope. Postcards are not
Only one entry for each applicant may
be submitted during the registration
period. Duplicate or multiple entries
will disqualify individuals from
registration for this program. See INA
204(a)(1)(6)(i). Entries received before or
after the specified registration dates
regardless of when they are postmarked
and entries sent to an address other than
one of those indicated below are void.
All mail received during the registration
period will be individually numbered
and entries will be selected at random
by computer regardless of time of
receipt during the mail-in period.
Selected entries will be registered and
then notified as specified below.
Where Should Entries Be Sent?
Note Carefully the Importance of
Using the Correct Postal ZIP Code for
Each Region.
Asia: DV–98 Program, National Visa
Center, Portsmouth, NH 00210, USA
South America, Central America, and
the Caribbean: DV–98 Program,
National Visa Center, Portsmouth, NH
00211, USA
Europe: DV–98 Program, National Visa
Center, Portsmouth, NH 00212, USA
Africa: DV–98 Program, National Visa
Center, Portsmouth, NH 00213, USA
Oceania: DV–98 Program, National Visa
Center, Portsmouth, NH 00214, USA
North America: DV–97 Program,
National Visa Center, Portsmouth, NH
00215, USA
Is It Necessary To Use An Outside
Attorney or Consultant?
The decision to hire an attorney or
consultant is entirely up to the
applicant. Procedures for entering the
Diversity Lottery can be completed
without assistance following these
simple instructions. However, if
applicants prefer to use outside
assistance, that is their choice. There are
many legitimate attorneys and
immigration consultants assisting
applicants for reasonable fees, or in
some cases for free. Unfortunately, there
are other persons who are charging
exorbitant rates and making unrealistic
claims. The selection of winners is
made at random and no outside service
can improve an applicant’s chances of
being chosen or guarantee that an entry
will win. Any service that claims it can
improve an applicant’s odds is
promising something it cannot deliver.
Persons who think they have been
cheated by a U.S. company or
consultant in connection with the
Diversity Visa Lottery may wish to
contact their local consumer affairs
office or the National Fraud Information
Center at 1–800–876–7060 or 1–202–
835–0159. The U.S. Department of State
has no authority to investigate
complaints against businesses in the
United States.
How Will Winners Be Notified?
Only successful entrants will be
notified. They will be notified by mail
at the address listed on their entry
during the summer of 1997. Winners
will also be sent instructions on how to
apply for an immigrant visa, including
information on a new requirement for a
special DV case processing fee.
Successful entrants must complete the
immigrant visa application process and
meet all eligibility requirements under
U.S. law to be issued a visa.
Being selected as a winner in the DV
Lottery does not automatically
guarantee being issued a visa even if the
applicant is qualified, because the
number of entries selected and
registered is greater than the number of
immigrant visas available. Those
selected will, therefore, need to
complete and file their immigrant visa
applications quickly. Once all 55,000
visas have been issued, the DV Program
for Fiscal Year 1998 will end.
Where To Obtain Instructions on
Entering the DV Lottery?
The above Information on entering the
DV–98 program is also available 24
hours a day to persons within the
United States by calling the Department
of State’s Visa Lottery Information
Center at 1–900–884–8840 at a flat rate
of $5.10 per call. Callers will first hear
some basic information about the DV
Lottery and will be requested to provide
their name and address so that printed
instructions can be mailed to them.
Applicants overseas may continue to
contact the nearest U.S. embassy or
consulate for instructions on the DV
Dated: November 12, 1996.
Mary A. Ryan,
Assistant Secretary for Consular Affairs.
[FR Doc. 96–29403 Filed 11–15–96; 8:45 am]
Sunshine Act Meeting
: Tennessee
Valley Authority (Meeting No. 1490).
: 10 a.m. (CST), November
20, 1996.
: TVA Environmental Research
Center Auditorium, Muscle Shoals,
: Open.
Approval of minutes of meeting held
on October 16, 1996.
Discussion Item
Environmental Research Center
New Business
A—Budget and Financing
A1. Adoption of Tennessee Valley
Authority Financial Statements for
Fiscal Year 1996.
A2. Retention of Net Power Proceeds
and Nonpower Proceeds and Payments
to the U.S. Treasury in March 1997,
pursuant to Section 26 of the TVA Act.
C1. Extension of Contract No. TV–
94218V through September 30, 1999,
with Team Associates, Inc. The
supplement will add $2.4 million to the
C2. Approval for Fossil and Hydro to
enter into a 3-year contract with
McDaniel Fire Systems for systemwide
fire-protection upgrades at TVA’s fossil,
hydroelectric, and combustion turbine
facilities. The contract is not to exceed
$30 million.
C3. Two-year contract with Piping
and Equipment Company (with
provisions for up to three extension
periods of one year each) to provide
pipe and fittings for TVA fossil, hydro,
and nuclear plants. The contract is not
to exceed $25 million.
E—Real Property Transactions
E1. Sale of noncommercial,
nonexclusive permanent easement
affecting 0.09 acre of land on Tellico
Lake in Loudon County, Tennessee, to
Vernon J. Lowe for construction and
maintenance of recreational water-use
facilities (Tract No. XTELR–185RE).
E2. Sale of a permanent easement
affecting 0.3 acre of land on Nickajack
Lake in Marion County, Tennessee, to
Doyle Morrison for a road and utilities
right-of-way (Tract No. XNJR–22H).
F1. Filing of condemnation case.