Before coming to the Embassy for your interview, applicants should select a passport delivery address in
Turkey. If and when a visa is issued, the passports and visa packets are sent to a Turkish Postal Service (PTT)
branch in Turkey for you to pick up in person. In order to make this selection, please follow the steps below:
1. Upon receipt of your appointment email from KCC, register online at or by calling 0
850 390 2884 from Turkey or (703) 520-2490 from the United States.
2. Choose “Diversity Visa” for your visa category.
3. Choose your visa pick up location (NOTE: Please make sure that you are selecting a PTT branch close
to your address in Turkey.).
4. Print your registration receipt and bring it with you on your interview date with all the other required
documents listed below.
At the time of the interview, all applicants will need to show that they meet the requirements to qualify for
the DV program. For detailed information on qualification criteria, you can refer to DV program application
instructions at
Common errors that cause disqualification include:
Failure to meet the required education or work experience criteria may cause disqualification from
the program at the time of interview.
Incorrect or incomplete electronic DV application submissions during the registration period may
also cause disqualification of the winners at the time of interview. For example, failure to list a
spouse/child, wrong foreign state of chargeability
The DV fee that all applicants need to pay at the time of interview is not refundable in case of a
disqualification. Please decide carefully before coming to the interview and paying the application fee.
The consular officer must interview all applicants who are present at the appointment.
Under no circumstances can a visa be issued after September 30. Because of the limited number of visas
under this program, visas may cease to be available even before this date. We strongly encourage you not to
finalize arrangements for travel to the United States, dispose of properties, or resign from your job until a
visa has been issued and delivered to you.
There are limited numbers of visas that can be issued under Diversity Visa (DV) program. We can only
guarantee visa numbers will be available for DV applicants during the month of their original interview. If
you do not attend your interview, a visa number may not be available for you in subsequent month(s).
Therefore, we strongly suggest that you keep your original appointment date.
Being a selectee in the Diversity Visa lottery does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. No assurance can be
given in advance that a visa will be issued. A Consular Officer can make a decision only after the formal
application is received, all the documents are reviewed, and officer has personally interviewed the applicants.
DV applicants are subject to all grounds of ineligibility for immigrant visas specified in the Immigration and
Nationality Act (INA). There are no special provisions for the waiver of any ground of visa ineligibility aside
from those ordinarily provided in the INA, nor is there special processing for waiver requests.
Eligiblity Requirements for Diversity Visa Applicants
As a reminder, the principal applicant of each Diveristy Visa Case must meet the following two criteria in order to
qualify for visa issuance.
Requirement #1: Individuals born in countries whose natives qualify may be eligible to enter. Most DV applicants will
qualify based on a “Foreign State of Charability” that is the same as their country of birth. You may qualify with a
different Foreign State of Chargability of if you meet one of the criteria below:
Was your spouse born in a country whose natives are eligible? If yes, you can claim your
spouse’s country of birth—provided that both you and your spouse are named on the selected entry, are issued
diversity visas, and enter the United States simultaneously.
Were you born in a country whose natives are ineligible, but in which neither of your parents was born or legally
resident at the time of your birth? If yes, you may claim the country of birth of one of your parents if it is a
country whose natives are eligible for the DV program.
If you chose a “Foreign State of Chargability” to which you are not eligible, your application will be disqualified
(for example, you were born in Iran and chose Turkey). It is not possible to correct your Foreign State of Charability
after registering for the DV lottery.
Requirement #2: In addition, to meet the education/work experience requirement of the DV
program, you must have either:
a high school education or its equivalent, defined as successful completion of a 12-year course of elementary and
secondary education
o For Turkish applicants, a general high school degree (genel liseler) or vocational high school degree
(meslek lisesi) is considered qualifying education. Technical school degrees (mesleki egitim merkezleri
tarafindan verilen ustalık / çıraklık belgeleri) are not considered qualifying education.
o For Iranian applicants, a theory-based high school degree (  ) is considered qualifying education.
Iranian applicants who attended theory-based high school should have also completed the pre-university
year ( ) starting with graduation year 2012 (Iranian year 1391). Correspondence courses (
are not considered qualifying education. Other types of Iranian high school degrees will be evaluated on
a case-by-case basis.
two years of work experience within the past five years in an occupation requiring at least two years of training or
experience to perform. The U.S. Department of Labor’s O* Net Online database ( )
will be used to determine qualifying work experience.
DV2016 Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions:
English Turkish Farsi
1. PASSPORT: Each visa applicant needs to bring a passport valid for six months beyond the intended date of
entry into the United States. Previous passport with a valid U.S. nonimmigrant visa should also be provided, if
2. PASSPORT PICKUP LOCATION REGISTRATION RECEIPT: The registration can be done either online
via or by calling 0 850 390 2884 from Turkey or (703) 520-2490 from the United States.
3. MEDICAL REPORT: Before their final immigrant visa interview, all beneficiaries are required to undergo a
medical examination performed by one of the medical doctors authorized by this Embassy. The beneficiary is
responsible for making his/her own arrangement for the medical examination with one of the physicians listed on
the attached medical information sheet. The beneficiary is also responsible for the cost of the examination. A
medical examination is also required for each accompanying child. You will be required to submit your medical
report to this office at the time of your interview. Do not bring your x-ray film to the Embassy. For detailed
information on medical examination procedures, please visit our website at
4. FEE: The Diversity Immigrant Visa processing fee is $330.00 per person. The payment may be made in cash
or by credit card to the consular cashier. Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Novus/Discover and Diners cards
are acceptable. Personal checks and credit card numbers provided verbally or in writing are not accepted. Cash
payment can be made in TL. and Dollars. Credit card payment is only done in Dollars.
5. DIPLOMA/WORK EXPERIENCE: Original and copy of the last diploma of the principle applicant is
required. If the principle applicant is not a high school graduate, he/she must provide the proof of his/her
employment during the last five years. Diploma/work experience documents of family members are not
o Birth certificates for Turkey are called “Nufus Kayit Ornegi”. Please provide an original. No English
translation is required
o Birth certificated for Iran are called “Shenasname”. Please provide the original, certified English
translation with a copy. Please do not provide Karte Melli
o Birth certificates for Iraq are “Hawiat Al Ahwal Al Madniya”. Please bring their originals with English
translations and copies. Iraqi applicants are also required to submit their National ID cards, “Shahadat Al
Jinsiya Al Iraqiya” with an English translation along with a copy.
7. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE: The original and two copies of your marriage certificate is required. If the
marriage took place in a country other than Turkey or the U.S., a certified English translation of the foreign
marriage certificate is also required.
8. DIVORCE DECREE OR DEATH CERTIFICATE: If you were married previously, provide the original and
one copy of the divorce decree or death certificate to prove the dissolution of each prior marriage. If the divorce
took place in a country other than Turkey or the U.S., a certified English translation of the foreign divorce decree
is also required. For divorces that took place in the U.S. or Turkey, the court-certified original divorce decrees
must either have the raised seal or rubber stamps of the court and original signatures. Attorney certified copies
without raised seals, rubber stamps or plain photocopies of court certified divorce decrees will not be accepted.
Marriage or birth certificates on which the divorce is registered and translations of divorce documents without the
originals are not accepted in lieu of a court-certified divorce decree.
9. MILITARY CARD: Iranian applicants need to provide original, copy and certified English translation of
military card. If you are exempt from the service please provide a copy and certified English translation of
your military service exemption card. Military card for Turkish applicants are not required.
10. COURT AND PRISON RECORDS: Persons convicted of a crime must bring the originals and a copy of each
court record and any prison record, even if the beneficiary has been pardoned or granted amnesty. If you have a
conviction, please provide the copy and English translation of all the law articles referred to in your court record.
11. OTHER COURT DOCUMENTS: Originals and copies of court records regarding name changes, age
ammendments, adoption and similar subjects must also be submitted at the time of interview.
Applicants are required to submit a police certificate from the country of the applicant’s nationality and current
residence. Police certificates are also required from all other countries where the applicant has resided for at least
one year. Regardless of the length of residence, a police certificate must also be obtained from the police
authorities of any place where the applicant has been arrested for any reason. Police certificates for Turkey must
include the archive records check (Arsiv kayitli Adli Sicil Kaydi), but do not need translation. Police certificates
for Iran are not required. For detailed information on how to obtain a police certificate from a country, please
visit U.S. Department of State website at
13. FINANCIAL DOCUMENTS: Diversity visa applicants are subject to INA 212(a)(4) and must demonstrate
to the consular officer's satisfaction that they will not become a public charge. Please see following pages for
detailed information on financial requirements.
14. PHOTOS: Regardless of age, all U.S. Immigrant Visa applicants must present two un-retouched color
photographs, approximately 2 X 2 inches (5 X 5 cm) in size, taken on a white background. Please read the
instructions on our website at
requirements/ for information.
After your personal application, if your file is complete, your visa will be issued within 5 to 10 business days and
your passport and visa packet will be given to PTT for delivery to your passport pickup location.
Some Turkish applicants and most Iranian applicants require additional administrative processing prior to issuance
of the visa. This process may take 4-6 months or longer. No visa for these applicants can be issued until the
administrative process is complete.
If administrative processing is required, we recommend that applicants return home while they wait for the
completion of the process. Once the administrative processing is completed, the applicant’s case number will be
posted on our website. It will be your responsibility to check our website to see if your process is completed. After
the administrative processing is complete, applicants can send their passports, and other missing documents, if any,
to our office by PTT. After the final review, if your application is complete, your passport and visa packet will be
sent to the PTT branch of your choice in Turkey within five to ten working days after we receive your passport.
While waiting for the administrative process to be complete, your medical examination may expire. In that case, you
will need to renew the medical examination.
The validity of your diversity visa will be limited with the validity of your medical report. Diversity visas are valid
for a maximum of six months from the date of issuance. Applicants must travel and apply for admission to the
United States before their immigrant visas expire.
The Immigration and Nationality Act requires an applicant for a visa to establish to the satisfaction of the consular
officer at the time of application for a visa, and also to the satisfaction of the United States immigration official at the
time of application for admission to the United States, that he or she is not likely at any time to become a public
An applicant for an immigrant visa may generally satisfy this requirement of the law by the presentation of
documentary evidence establishing that:
1. The applicant has, or will have, in the United States personal funds sufficient to provide support for
the applicant and dependent family members, or sufficient to provide support until suitable employment is located;
2. The applicant has arranged employment in the United States that will provide an adequate income for
the applicant and dependent family members;
3. Relatives or friends in the United States will assure the applicant’s support; or
4. A combination of the above circumstances exists.
An applicant who expects to be able to meet the public charge provisions of the law through personal financial
resources may submit to the consular officer evidence of funds or income from one or more of the following sources:
1. Statement from a senior officer of a bank showing present balance of applicant’s account, date
account was opened, the number and amount of deposits and withdrawals during the past 12 months, and the average
balance during the year (if there have been recent unusually large deposits, an explanation should be given);
2. Proof of ownership of property or real estate, in the form of a title, deed or the equivalent, and a letter
from a lawyer, banker or responsible real estate agent showing its present value (any mortgages or loans against the
property must be stated);
3. Letter or letters verifying ownership of stocks and bonds, with present market value or expected
earning indicated;
4. Proof of income from business investments or other sources.
If the financial resources are derived from a source outside the United States, a statement as to how the funds or
income are to be transferred to the U.S. must be provided.
An applicant relying on an offer of prearranged employment to meet the public charge provisions of the law should
have the prospective employer submit a notarized letter of employment on the letterhead stationery of the employing
business. The letter should:
1. Contain a definite offer of employment;
2. Give a description of the job offered to the alien and an explanation of skills, which qualify alien for
the position;
3. State the rate of compensation to be paid and, if pertinent, additional information detailing other
benefits to be included in lieu of cash payment;
4. Specify the location, type, and duration (whether seasonal, temporary, or indefinite) of the
employment offered; and
5. Specify whether the employment will be immediately available upon the applicant’s arrival in the
United States.
Persons in the United States who desire to furnish sponsorship for an applicant in the form of an affidavit of support
should use Form I-134, Affidavit of Support, available from the USCIS offices or the following web site: Sponsors may also elect to furnish a statement in the form of an affidavit
sworn to before a notary public or other official competent to administer an oath, setting forth his or her willingness
and financial ability to contribute to the applicant’s support and reasons, in detail, for sponsoring the applicant.
The sponsor’s affidavit should include:
1. Information regarding his or her annual income;
2. Where material, information regarding his or her other resources;
3. Obligations for the support of members of his or her own family and other persons, if any;
4. Other obligations and expenses;
5. Plans and arrangements made for the applicant’s reception and support;
6. An expression of willingness to deposit a bond, if necessary, with the USCIS to guarantee that the applicant
will not become a public charge in the US; and
7. An acknowledgement that the sponsor is aware of his or her responsibilities under the Social Security Act, as
amended, and the Food Stamp Act, as amended; that the affidavit and supporting documentation may be
made available to a public assistance agency. (The provisions of the above laws are contained in form DS-
1858, Sponsor’s Financial Responsibility Under the Social Security Act, and printed in Part III of the
instructions for Form (I-134)
The sponsor should include in the affidavit a statement concerning his or her status in the United States. If the
sponsor is an American citizen, the affidavit of should indicate the date of naturalization, the name and location of
the court, and the number of the sponsor’s certificate of naturalization. If the sponsor is an alien who has been
lawfully admitted into the United States for permanent residence, he or she should state in the affidavit the date and
place of admission for permanent residence and the alien registration number which appears on his or her Alien
Registration Receipt Card.
To substantiate the information regarding income and resources the sponsor should attach two or more of the
following items to the affidavit:
1. Copies of his or her latest federal income tax return;
2. Copies of his or her latest W-2 forms
3. A statement from his or her employer showing salary and the length and permanency of employment;
4. A statement from an officer of a bank regarding his or her account, the date the account was opened, and the
present balance;
5. Any other evidence adequate to establish financial ability to carry out his or her undertaking toward the
applicant for what might be an indefinite period of time.
If the sponsor is well established in business, he or she may submit a rating from a recognized business rating
organization in lieu of the foregoing. If the sponsor is married, the affidavit of support should be signed jointly by
both the husband and wife. Affidavits of support should be of recent date when presented to the consular officer.
They are unacceptable if more than one year has elapsed from the date of execution. A sponsor may prefer to
forward his or her affidavit of support directly to the consular office where the application will be made, in which
event the contents will not be divulged to the applicant.
Note: An applicant who expects to meet the public charge provisions of the law through the presentation of an
affidavit of support is encouraged to forward this information sheet to his or her sponsor so as to assist the
sponsor in preparing an affidavit.