Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program
School Year 2024-2025
Application & Program Guidance
March 5, 2024
Application Submission Deadline: May 2, 2024, 7:30 p.m. ET
Health Resources and Services Administration
Bureau of Health Workforce
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
For questions, please call 1-800-221-9393 (TTY: 1-877-897-9910) Monday through Friday (except
federal holidays) 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET or contact the Bureau of Health Workforce online.
Authority: Section 846(d)-(i) of the Public Health Service Act, as amended (42 U.S C. 297n(d)-(i)).
Assistance Listings (AL/CFDA) Number 93.303
Executive Summary.................................................................................................................... 3
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program Overview ............................................................................... 6
Application and Program Guidance ............................................................................................. 7
KEY APPLICATION DATES .................................................................................................................. 7
APPLICATION ELIGIBLITY REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................ 8
UNDERSTANDING SERVICE OBLIGATION AND THE CONTRACT ....................................................... 13
PROGRAM COMPLIANCE ................................................................................................................. 29
Application Information ............................................................................................................ 33
APPLICATION DEADLINE .................................................................................................................. 34
COMPLETING AN APPLICATION ....................................................................................................... 34
Additional Information .............................................................................................................. 41
PAPERWORK REDUCTION ACT PUBLIC BURDEN STATEMENT ......................................................... 41
RESOURCES FOR APPLICANTS .......................................................................................................... 41
Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 43
Glossary: Nurse Corps Scholarship Program School Year 2024-2025 Application Program and
Guidance .......................................................................................................................................... 43
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program: Frequently Asked Questions ................................................... 43
Executive Summary
The Health Resources and Services Administration is accepting applications for the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program. The Health Resources and Services Administration improves the health of underserved and
vulnerable populations by strengthening the health workforce and connecting skilled professionals to
communities in need.
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program provides scholarships to nursing students in exchange for a minimum
two-year, full-time service commitment (or part-time equivalent) at an eligible health care facility with a
critical shortage of nurses. A complete understanding of the commitment to serve at a Critical Shortage
Facility and the financial, legal, and other consequences of failing to perform the commitment is critical to
successfully completing the mandatory service obligation associated with a Nurse Corps Scholarship award.
Students accepted or enrolled at an accredited school of nursing located in the
United States or territory, pursuing a nursing degree or certificate program. Types
of eligible nursing programs include:
Diploma in Nursing
Associate degree in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Graduate-level nurse practitioner
Graduate level advanced registered nurse
Bridge Nursing Graduate-level Programs (registered nurse to Bachelor of
Science in nursing, registered nurse to Master of Science in nursing-nurse
practitioners, Direct Entry Master of Science in nursing-nurse
The Nurse Corps Scholarship award includes funds for:
Required fees
Monthly stipend, and
Other reasonable educational costs (e.g., books, supplies, uniforms)
All participants incur, at a minimum, a two-year full-time service obligation
(or part-time equivalent) but will have a longer service obligation if they
receive support for more than two years.
Participants serve in a Critical Shortage Facility, which is an approved health care
facility with a critical shortage of nurses, located in, designated as, or serving a
Health Professional Shortage Area with a primary care or mental health score of 14
or higher. See list of eligible Critical Shortage Facilities.
May 2, 2024, 7:30 p.m. ET
Tax Liability
All components of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award are taxable.
Health Resources and Services
Rockville, MD 20857
Bureau of Health Workforce
A Letter from Luis Padilla, MD
Dear Potential Applicant,
Thank you for taking the time to consider applying to the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program.
Since the passage of the Nurse Reinvestment Act of 2002, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program has carried
out its mission of growing the nursing workforce in underserved communities by selecting recipients who are
likely to remain with their service sites to continue serving those in need after fulfilling their service
commitment. We need students like you to commit to serving communities with a shortage of skilled nursing
professionals. If you qualify and are selected, we will provide a scholarship to support a nursing degree in
exchange for a minimum two-year commitment to serve at an eligible health care facility with a critical
shortage of nurses.
/Luis Padilla, MD/
Luis Padilla, MD
Associate Administrator, Bureau of Health Workforce
Health Resources and Services Administration
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Privacy Act Notification Statement
This information is provided pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-579), as
amended, for individuals supplying information for inclusion in a system of records.
Statutory Authority
Section 846(d)-(i) of the Public Health Service Act (PHSA), as amended (42 USC 297n (d)-(i)).
Purpose and Use
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program provides scholarships to nursing students in
exchange for a minimum two-year, full-time service commitment (or part-time
equivalent), at an eligible health care facility with a critical shortage of nurses. Applicants
must supply the information that will be used to evaluate their eligibility, qualifications,
and compliance with the applicable standards for participation in the Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program. Please note that information from other sources is also considered
(e.g., credit bureau reports).
Certain parts of an applicant’s application may also be disclosed outside the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (“Department”), as permitted by the Privacy
Act and Freedom of Information Act, to the Congress, the National Archives, the
Government Accountability Office, and pursuant to court order and various routine uses
as described in the System of Record Notice 09-15-0037 for Scholarship and Loan
Repayment Program Records. You will be notified if your information will be shared.
Effects of Nondisclosure
Disclosure of the information sought is voluntary; however, if not submitted, except for the
replies to questions related to race/ethnicity, an application may be considered incomplete
and therefore may not be considered for funding under the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Non-Discrimination Policy Statement
In accordance with applicable federal laws and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services policy,
the Department does not discriminate based on any non-merit factor, including race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability (physical or mental), age, status as
a parent, or genetic information.
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program Overview
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program is a competitive program administered by the Bureau of
Health Workforce within the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Resources and Services Administration
improves the health of underserved and vulnerable populations by strengthening the health
workforce and connecting skilled professionals to communities in need. This Scholarship Program
provides scholarships to nursing students in exchange for a minimum two-year, full-time service
commitment (or part-time equivalent) at an eligible health care facility with a critical shortage of
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program’s holistic approach to application review allows
consideration of the student as a whole person and helps in the selection of recipients likely to
remain at their service sites even after fulfilling their Nurse Corps Scholarship commitment.
Upon graduation and licensing, all participants must fulfill their service obligation at an eligible
Critical Shortage Facility and are required to do so in the discipline for which they were funded
(see the Service Requirements section). Applicants are strongly encouraged to explore the
types of nursing opportunities that exist in eligible Critical Shortage Facilities before applying
to the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. As a resource, applicants may use the Health
Workforce Connector to learn about opportunities at currently approved Critical Shortage
What’s New for 2024
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will expand applicant eligibility for the Women’s Health
funding allocation to include current lactation consultants and doulas who are pursuing nursing
education and planning to practice in women’s health, obstetrics, and/or gynecology. This
eligibility is in addition to the current eligibility of registered nurses planning to work in women’s
health or obstetrics, nurse practitioners with a women’s health or obstetrics and gynecological
specialization, and certified nurse midwives.
Application and Program Guidance
Please read the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program Application and Program Guidance
(Guidance) in its entirety before proceeding with the application. The Guidance explains the
eligibility requirements and obligations of individuals selected to participate in the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program. Applicants should review the guidance and have a complete
understanding of the requirement to serve at an eligible health care facility with a critical
shortage of nurses as well as the financial, legal, and other consequences of failing to
perform that commitment.
Applications Open: March 5, 2024
Application Submission Deadline: May 2, 2024, 7:30 p.m. ET
Notification of Award: September 30, 2024
Funding Allocations
Funds for the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program are used to make awards to qualified
applicants pursuing nursing education as registered nurses, nurse practitioners, clinical
nurse specialist and certified nurse anesthetist, and certified nurse midwives in exchange for
a minimum two-year, full-time service commitment (or part-time equivalent) at a critical
shortage facility. For the 2024 application cycle, the Health Resources and Services
Administration reserved funds for scholarships in the following areas:
Funding Category
Funding Allocation
Women’s health
For the education of students pursuing
registered nursing degrees to work in
women's health or obstetrics (including
current doulas and lactation
consultants pursuing a registered
nursing degree); nurse practitioners
with a women’s health or obstetrics
and gynecological specialization, and
certified nurse midwives.
Up to $5 million
Career pathways (leading to
registered nurse careers)
For education of students pursuing
registered nursing degrees with entry-
level health professional certifications
that may include certified nursing
assistants, community health workers,
mental/behavioral health aides, school
health aides, home health aides,
medical assistants, and licensed
practical (vocational) nurses
Up to $2 million
Funding Category
Funding Allocation
Nurse practitioners
For education of nurse
practitioners specializing in
psychiatric-mental health
(including a Post-Graduate
Up to 20 percent
of the remaining
Nurse Corps
Program funding
Education of other nurse
Up to 30 percent
of the remaining
Nurse Corps
Program funding
All other registered nurses
and advanced practice
registered nurses
(excluding nurse
For education of all other
remaining nursing specialties
Up to 50 percent
of the remaining
Nurse Corps
Program funding
To be eligible for a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award, all applicants must:
1. Be a U.S. citizen (either U.S. born or naturalized), U.S. National, or Lawful Permanent
Resident and provide acceptable documentation of their status. Acceptable documents
must be valid and unexpired and include a U.S. Birth Certificate, Certificate of
Citizenship, Naturalization Certificate, unexpired U.S. Passport ID page or U.S.
Passport Card, or Permanent Resident Card (Green Card).
2. Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student in an accredited
nursing degree program in clinical nursing, that must be in a U.S. state, the District of
Columbia, or a U.S. territory. The following table describes the eligible degrees and
training locations:
Please note: A marriage certificate or Social Security card is not acceptable proof of U.S. Citizenship,
U.S. National, or Lawful Permanent Resident status. Failure to provide the acceptable documentation
will result in an ineligible application. Documentation requirements can be found in the Required
Supporting Documentation section.
If Pursuing a(n):
Required to Attend
Associate Degree
Junior college, community college, college, or university which
provides primarily or exclusively a two-year, accredited program of
education in professional nursing and allied subjects leading to an
associate degree in nursing or to an equivalent degree.
Collegiate Degree in
Nursing (School of
College or university that provides an accredited program of
education in professional nursing and related subjects leading to a
degree of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science
in Nursing, graduate degree in nursing, or to an equivalent degree,
and includes advanced training related to such program of
education provided by such school.
Diploma from a School of
School affiliated with a hospital or university, or an independent
school, which provides primarily or exclusively an accredited
program of education in professional nursing and allied subjects
leading to a diploma or to equivalent evidence of completion.
Bachelor of Science in
Nursing as a Registered
(Bridge Program)
An accredited nursing program for registered nurses who already
have an associate degree in nursing or diploma degree in nursing
and receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Master’s Degree in
Nursing from a
Direct/Entry Level
Nursing Program
An accredited program that prepares graduates with
baccalaureate degrees in other disciplines and no previous
nursing education for entry into the nursing profession and
awards a Master of Science in Nursing.
Eligible: Graduate Entry into nursing program, which
confers two degrees: Bachelor of Science in nursing, then
a Master of Science in nursing. an eligible applicant has
completed the registered nurse portion of the program
and is accepted/enrolled in the Master of Science in
nursing/nurse practitioner portion or applied for the
Master of Science in nursing/nurse practitioner funding. In
addition, the applicant must hold an unencumbered
registered nurse license in a U.S. state, the District of
Columbia, or a U.S. territory.
Not Eligible: If the applicant has not completed the
registered nurse portion of the program, the applicant is
not eligible to apply to or receive Master of Science in
nursing /nurse practitioner funding.
3. Begin taking classes on or before September 30, 2024 in the accredited nursing degree
program for which you are applying to use Nurse Corps Scholarship Program funds for
academic term 2024-2025.
Note: The degree indicated on the application is the ONLY degree that the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program will support during your matriculation in school.
Applicants are deemed ineligible for a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program Award if they experienced
any of the following situations:
Have defaulted on a prior service obligation to the federal, state, or local
government, unless the obligation was previously satisfied.
Have defaulted on any federal payment obligations (e.g., student loans, student
service obligation, federal income tax liabilities, etc.) or non-federal payment
obligations (e.g., court-ordered child support payments).
Have any current or past judgment liens arising from a federal debt;
Are currently excluded, debarred, suspended, or disqualified by a federal
agency from financial and nonfinancial assistance and benefits under federal
program and activities; or
Have an existing service obligation for professional practice or service after academic
training. An exception may be made if the entity to which the obligation is owed
provides documentation of no conflict in fulfilling the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
service commitment and that the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program service
commitment will be served first. A Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participant who
subsequently enters into another service commitment and is not immediately
available after completion of their degree to fulfill their service commitment is subject
to the breach-of-contract provisions described in the Non-Compliance Penalties
section of the Guidance. (However, participation in a program with a service
commitment that will be completed prior to the beginning of the Nurse Corps service
obligation will not bar a participant’s eligibility for the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Had any federal or nonfederal debt written off as uncollectible or had any federal service or
payment obligation waived; or
If an applicant has not completed the registered nurse portion of the Direct-Entry or
Equivalent Degree Program and does not hold an unencumbered registered nurse
license at the time of application, the applicant is ineligible to apply for or receive
graduate nurse practitioner funding.
Note: The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will conduct a hard inquiry
with the credit
bureaus prior to making an award and consult System For Award Management to
determine if an applicant has been suspended or debarred.
According to the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, these inquiries “are typically inquiries by lenders after
you apply for credit. These inquiries will impact your credit score because most credit scoring models look at how
recently and how frequently you apply for credit.” (Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: What's a credit
Selection Factors and Funding Preferences
Among eligible applicants, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program determines awardees
using a holistic approach (community service, extracurricular activities, work and life
experiences, academic performance, etc.) combined with selection factors and funding
Selection Factors
Academic performance.
Response to an essay question.
Two professional signed letters of recommendation.
Funding Preferences
Funding preference is given to applicants with the greatest financial need. An applicant’s
financial need is determined based on the applicant’s Student Aid Index, which is provided
on the official 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid Submission Summary.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid Submission Summary is calculated by the U.S.
Department of Education, not by the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. All awards are
made based on the following tiers:
Tier 1
Applicants enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an accredited diploma,
undergraduate, or graduate nursing program leading to a registered nurse
license and/or nurse practitioner or an accredited graduate level nurse
practitioner program, including psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner
post-graduate certificates and certified nurse midwives, registered as full-time
students for consecutive term.
Tier 2
Applicants enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an accredited graduate nursing
program for certified registered nurse anesthetists or clinical nurse specialists as full-time
students for consecutive terms.
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program provides a scholarship to students that covers
various costs, with limitations and exclusions. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
Pay tuition and required fees for each term after receiving an itemized invoice
from the school of nursing or the school’s authorized financial aid office. Any
required fees on the invoice already included in the other reasonable costs
(discussed below) will not be approved for payment to the nursing school.
Only pay tuition and required fees for required courses during a summer session if
it is part of the academic term normally required by the school for all students in the
same program and is in progress during a participant’s contract period.
NOT pay for tuition and required fees for participants to repeat coursework. If the
repeated coursework does not change a participant’s full-time enrollment status,
the scholarship payments for remaining tuition and required fees may continue. The
decision to continue scholarship payments while participants are repeating
coursework is contingent upon the nursing school allowing the participant to
continue with the remaining non-repeated courses. This must be confirmed in
writing to the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. Participants who repeat
coursework must immediately contact the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program via the
Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal. Failure to do so will result in
the discontinuation of monthly stipend payments or other actions from the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program.
Pay an overload fee or increased tuition rate charged to participants who enroll in
courses for a total number of credit hours more than a full course load.
Pay for increases in tuition or required fees; however, payment is not guaranteed
and is subject to the availability of funds.
Only pay for institutions named in the participant’s application that have degree
program agreements with the nursing institution, and only for courses required as
part of the degree program, if the participant attends more than one
Not pay for additional courses beyond those required for graduation, and for
tuition costs or required fees unrelated to the degree/program, such as loan
processing required fees, penalty or late fees, and other similar expenses.
Consider transfer requests on a case-by-case basis. Transfers to other academic
institutions are strongly discouraged once the applicant has been accepted into
the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. Transfer requests must be approved by the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program in advance to ensure continued eligibility for
funding. Transfer requests must include a completed Verification of Acceptance
and/or Enrollment Verification Form as appropriate, for the school to which the
requested transfer is being made. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award is
based on the cost of attendance at the initial school of record for all school year
contracts executed during the Fiscal Year 2024 application cycle. If a transfer is
approved, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will not cover any increase in
tuition and/or required fees for the new institution; participants are responsible for
the difference. Changes in the type of nursing program will not be approved.
Other Reasonable Costs
Other reasonable costs are a single annual payment provided directly to each Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program participant to assist in covering the cost of books, clinical
supplies/instruments, and uniforms. The payment is based on information obtained
directly from the institution regarding the approximate cost of these items. The amount
paid for other reasonable costs is determined prior to the disbursement of the
scholarship award, cannot be adjusted or changed even if additional expenses arise, and
will vary from student to student depending on the participant’s program and graduation
date. The other reasonable costs payment is reduced proportionately for participants
who plan to attend less than a full school year (e.g., December graduates).
Stipend Payment
For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will pay each full-
time student a monthly stipend of $1,599. This stipend is taxable, and the Department will
withhold federal income and Federal Insurance Contributions Act taxes.
a. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will delay or place on hold stipend payments
if requested documents (e.g., invoices, Enrollment Verification Forms/In-School
Verifications, transcripts, etc.) have not been received. If a student repeats
coursework already paid for by the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program or if the
repeated coursework results in a change in registration status (full-time/part-time),
stipend payments may be stopped.
b. Stipend payments will stop the month following nursing coursework completion,
upon graduation, or when the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program contract
terminates for any reason, whichever comes first.
Anticipated Awards
For the 2024-2025 academic year, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program anticipates
more applicants for scholarship awards than funds available. After selecting an applicant
for an award, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will provide the applicant with
information for logging into the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal.
This web-based system will allow for communication between Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program participants and staff. Please note Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
participants are subject to changes in the statute and/or policies occurring after receipt
of award.
Service Obligation
All participants incur, at a minimum, a two-year full-time service obligation (or part-time
equivalent) but will incur a longer service obligation if receiving support beyond two years,
as set forth in the table below. Participants must serve their service obligations working
under the degree for which they were funded and in an eligible facility, as defined below.
Participants may begin searching and applying for open positions upon graduation.
Participants have up to (9) months from the date of graduation to:
obtain an unencumbered permanent nursing license,
accept an offer of employment from a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-approved
Critical Shortage Facility, and
commence full-time (or, if approved, part-time) work providing clinical services at
the Critical Shortage Facility.
Participants who sign “Full-Time Student” contracts incur an obligation to provide one
year of full-time service for each full or partial school year of support received beyond
two years as set forth in the table below. For example, a student who receives a full year
of support (12 months) the first school year, a partial year of support (six months) the
second school year, and a full year of support the third school year will owe the
equivalent of three years of full-time clinical service. If a participant receives support for
one year or less, they will have an obligation to serve two years.
Years of Scholarship Support
Years of Service
Up to 1 Full or Partial School Year
2 Years Full-Time
Up to 2 Full or Partial School Years (2025-2026)
2 Years Full-Time
Up to 3 Full or Partial School Years (2026-2027)
3 Years Full-Time
Up to 4 Full or Partial School Years (2027-2028)
4 Years Full-Time
Additional Support through Continuation Awards
To request additional scholarship support for the 2025-2026 school year or any subsequent
school years, the scholar must submit an In-School Verification, verifying that they are still
in good academic standing, and a signed contract for that school year. The scholar may
request contracts for subsequent school years through graduation for a maximum of four
(4) school years of support. Each year, the participant must request a continuation award
through optional contracts and the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (“Secretary”), or designee must agree to it via documentation. The scholarship is
based on the cost of the initial school of record or school attended at the time of the initial
contract. Scholarship funding will not be deferred.
Additional scholarship support or continuation awards will only be provided for the same
nursing degree, program, and specialty of the participant’s original contract. To request
additional scholarship support for any subsequent academic years, a Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program participant must submit a signed contract for the additional
academic year and a report verifying an acceptable academic level of standing in the
nursing program. Participants will not need to reapply. The Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program will notify participants when requests for additional support are due.
Continuation awards depend upon the availability of funds for the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program and are contingent upon a participant’s:
Continued eligibility to participate in the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
(e.g., acceptable level of academic standing in the nursing program, not
repeating coursework);
Compliance with policies and procedures established by the Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program for requesting continued support; and
Past compliance with program policies and requirements.
Participants requesting continued support must be able to support themselves financially
until the scholarship benefit payment schedule can be reinstated. If a continuation award
is granted, the first payment may not be issued until mid-November, but it will include
tuition, stipend payments (applied retroactively to July 1), and the annual other
reasonable costs payment.
Contract Termination
The Secretary or designee will terminate a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program contract for
an academic year if, on or before June 1 of the school year, the participant:
1. Submits a written request to terminate their contract for that academic year
through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal; and
2. Repays all amounts paid to, or on behalf of, the participant for that academic
year, including pre-tax tuition, stipends, and other reasonable costs.
If a participant meets these requirements and the contract is successfully terminated, the
participant will no longer have a service obligation for that school year. Please note,
however, that if a participant received Nurse Corps Scholarship Program support for one
year or any portion of a year, they would still owe two years minimum of service in return
for those prior years of support. Additionally, if a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
participant does not meet the requirements to terminate, and the contract remains in
effect, the participant will incur a service commitment for the full or partial year of support
received, as set forth in the “Program Requirements While In School section of this
These requirements apply to requests for terminating the initial/first contract as well as any
optional contract(s).
Taxes and Financial Information
Please Note: The ENTIRE Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award is subject to federal taxes,
including tuition, required fees, other reasonable costs, and monthly stipend payments.
Under Section 117 of the Internal Revenue Service Code, scholarship amounts received as
payment for services required as a condition of the scholarship are taxable income. The
Health Resources and Services Administration will withhold federal income tax and the
“employee” share of Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax from ALL components of the
award. The withholding of income and employee Federal Insurance Contributions Act tax
from tuition payments means that a participant’s award will be reduced accordingly. If
the amount withheld does not cover a participant’s tax obligations, the participant is
responsible for paying the remainder to the Internal Revenue Service. Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program suggests that participants and potential participants speak with a
financial aid advisor at their nursing school to learn about financial aid options that may
assist with covering any unpaid costs. For questions related to tax withholdings, the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program suggests that participants speak with a professional tax advisor
or by using the Internal Revenue Service Tax Withholding Estimator or contact the Internal
Revenue Service Tax Help Line at (800) 829-1040.
All the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program funds disbursed to participants, and/or to their
school on their behalf, are reported to the Internal Revenue Service on a Form W-2, Wage
and Tax Statement after the end of the tax year. Please note that scholarship payments
may also be subject to state and local income taxes and that the Nurse Corp Scholarship
Program does not withhold state and/or local taxes.
Participants who want additional funds withheld from their award should indicate the
amount they would like deducted on their Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate
(Form W- 4).
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants must maintain enrollment in the nursing
program until the program is complete. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants
must verify their enrollment status through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer
Service Portal for each term (e.g., semester, quarter) through an In-School Verification.
Additionally, a designated school official must certify the participant’s full-time enrollment
and each participant must submit a transcript after the add/drop date at the beginning of
each term of the courses and credit hours for which the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
will receive an invoice.
Participants must also upload an unofficial or official transcript at the end of every semester.
Participants who fail to complete and submit their enrollment verification through the
Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal each academic term will not receive
their scholarship and stipend payments.
Participants not in compliance with the enrollment requirements will be recommended for
default. School invoices cannot be processed without these documents.
1. Maintain an Acceptable Level of Academic Standing. Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program participants must be in an acceptable level of academic standing in their
nursing program. When participants are on academic probation, they are not
considered to be in an acceptable level of academic standing by the Nurse
Scholarship Program. All other determinations of an acceptable level of academic
standing are made by the school. Please note that participants who do not meet
the acceptable level of academic standing requirements are recommended for
2. Notify the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program of Any Changes in Enrollment Status.
Participants must notify the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program through the Bureau
of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal as soon as they anticipate one of the
following events:
Repeat of any coursework;
Change in graduation date;
Leave of absence approved by the school
Withdrawal or dismissal from school;
Placement on academic probation;
Change from full-time student status as determined by the school’s registrar, to
a less than full-time status for participants who sign “Full-Time Student”
Voluntary withdrawal from courses during an academic term; or
Transfer to another school or program.
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program discontinues all payments while a participant is on
approved leave of absence and will resume making payments when the student returns
to the course of study for which the scholarship was awarded.
The events listed above could have an adverse impact on a participant’s receipt of Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program payments. A participant will be placed in default and must
repay the support they received if they fail to notify Nurse Corps Scholarship Program of
any change in status.
Additional Funding Provided by an Alternative Source
Receipt of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award does not automatically preclude
an applicant from receiving funds from other programs, as long as the other program
does not impose a service obligation. Applicants should contact their financial aid officer
to determine how the receipt of a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award affects the
receipt of other sources of funding.
1. Financial Aid Received Before Notice of Award
Grants and Scholarships
When expecting a leave of absence, a participant must notify the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program immediately through
the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal and submit a letter from the school approving the leave of
absence and indicating start and end dates for the period of absence.
If tuition and required fees for the academic year have been paid by another source
of financial aid (e.g., Pell Grant, state grants, or tuition-based scholarships) before
the applicant receives notice of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award, then
the participant, in conjunction with the school, may:
a. Return payments to the funding source and submit an invoice to the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program for payment; or
b. Submit an invoice itemizing all additional sources of funding if the
participant wishes to keep these grants and/or scholarships applied to
tuition. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will pay the difference
between the total tuition and the grant/scholarship funds.
If a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participant has taken out a student loan to
cover the cost of tuition and required fees for the summer and/or fall semester(s),
while waiting for notice of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award, the
participant should request that their academic institution prepare an itemized
invoice detailing the amount of tuition and required fees paid for the student loans
to cover this period. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will pay the amount on
the invoice. to the academic institution.
2. Financial Aid Received After Notice of Award
Please note this section only relates to financial aid/loans solely allocated for tuition.
If a participant receives financial aid to pay tuition and required fees from sources
other than the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program after receiving notice of the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program award, the academic institution should not submit an
invoice to the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program for costs already covered by the
other source of financial aid, including grants and scholarships. If the other source of
financial aid covers the full cost of tuition and required fees, the academic institution
should submit documentation stating it will not seek payment for the term. If a
balance remains, then the school should submit an invoice for the balance remaining.
The amount of the participant’s Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award is not
affected if the participant accepts financial aid/loans for non-tuition expenses such as
cost of living expenses. Financial aid not solely allocated for tuition does not need to
be listed on the invoice.
Circumstances Affecting Scholarship Payments
The following situations will result in a change or discontinuation of the Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program’s payment of tuition and/or stipend:
1. Changes in Enrollment Status. A change in enrollment status can result in a
discontinuation of tuition and stipend payments. Participants must promptly notify
the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program, through the Bureau of Health Workforce
Customer Service Portal, if one of the events listed below is anticipated or occurs. If a
change in enrollment status already occurred, participants must submit a letter from
the school verifying the status change through the Bureau of Health Workforce
Customer Service Portal. Changes include the following:
Repeat coursework for which the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program already
made payments. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program may continue payments
for stipends and all other non-repeated coursework, provided participants
continue to meet all other Nurse Corps Scholarship Program requirements;
Participant’s graduation date changed. This affects funding and contract end
Leave of absence approved by the academic institution. All payments will be
discontinued during the approved leave of absence and may be terminated if the
student does not return to school;
Withdrawal or dismissal from the academic institution. All payments will be
discontinued, and the participant will be recommended to be placed in
Full-time student status to a less than full-time student status. All tuition and
stipend payments will be discontinued. To receive support a participant must be
enrolled in school as a full-time student (See the Appendix for a glossary of
terms). Any courses not required to complete the qualifying degree program will
not count toward the hours required for full-time status and will not be
supported by the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. An exception may be made
for summer terms and if a participant is in their final academic term;
Voluntary withdrawal from course(s) during an academic term. All payments will
be discontinued; or
Transfer to another academic institution (See below).
2. Changes in Academic Institution. Scholarship awards are based on the cost of
attendance at the initial academic institution of record for all school year contracts
executed during the fiscal year of the application cycle for which the award was made.
Therefore, changes in academic institutions are strongly discouraged once the
applicant is accepted into the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. Please note, changes
in disciplines (i.e., registered nurse or nurse practitioner) are not allowed. Changes in
academic institutions must be approved in advance by the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program to ensure continued eligibility for funding and are considered only for
exceptional circumstances.
Note: Approvals of requests to change academic institutions are not automatic and the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will review the request for compliance with the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program requirements. If a transfer is approved, the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program will not cover any increase in tuition and/or required fees
for the new institution; the participant is responsible for the difference. Participants
are required to perform their service obligation in the nursing discipline for which their
scholarship was funded even if the change in school is approved.
3. Delinquent Federal and State Debt. Under the Treasury Offset Program, the U.S.
Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is authorized to offset a participant’s Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program payments if the participant is delinquent on a federal
debt. In addition, the Treasury is authorized to offset the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program payments in response to a participant’s state debts, including delinquent
child support payments.
4. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program Overpayments. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
payments that are made to or on behalf of a participant when the participant is
ineligible to receive them are considered overpayments and must be repaid.
Overpayments can occur when payments are made to the participant directly, or to
an academic institution on a participant’s behalf, during periods in which a
participant is on an approved leave of absence, is repeating coursework, or in other
situations in which the participant is ineligible to receive payments. Overpayments
may also occur due to administrative error. Any participant who receives an
overpayment should immediately contact the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal to make
arrangements to promptly return all overpayments, as such overpayments are
viewed as a debt owed to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which
will trigger the Department’s debt collection procedures, as required by 45 CFR Part
5. Resumption of Scholarship Benefits. To resume tuition and stipend payments
discontinued under existing scholarship contracts, participants must submit
documentation from an academic institution official confirming that the participant is
now eligible to receive scholarship support (e.g., not repeating coursework, returning
from a leave of absence, resuming full-time student status). Requests for the resumption
of scholarship benefits must be sent to the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program via the
Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal. They are considered on a case-by-
case basis by the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program to determine if a participant is eligible
to receive additional funding going forward. For participants who have not repaid
overpayments determined to be debts owed to the Department, the resumption of
scholarship benefits will be subject to the administrative offset described in the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program Overpayments subsection above. For participants whose
tuition and stipend payments were discontinued due to their withdrawal or dismissal
from the academic institution, or due to their transfer without Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program approval, payments will not resume.
6. Veteran Benefits. Educational benefits from the U.S. Department of Veterans
Affairs generally continue along with Nurse Corps Scholarship Program funds.
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program benefits will be reduced to reflect funding
received under the Post-9/11 G.I. Bill. Questions or concerns regarding changes in
scholarship payments should be submitted through the Bureau of Health
Workforce Customer Service Portal.
If the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program has any questions concerning a participant’s
eligibility for continued support, it reserves the right to delay any award payments pending
clarification of the participant’s continuing eligibility and status.
Deferment for Postgraduate Training Eligibility
Except as described below in the Service Credit During Postgraduate Residency/Training
section, registered nurse and nurse practitioner participants can request a deferment (i.e.,
postponement) of their Nurse Corps Scholarship Program service obligation to complete a
postgraduate residency/training program approved by the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program. Participants will have the option to complete a residency program for an
approved specialty that must be consistent with the specialty for which the Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program awarded funding. The postgraduate training program cannot exceed
18 months in length.
To remain in compliance with the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program during postgraduate
residency/training, eligible participants must: 1) obtain their license; and 2) start their
postgraduate residency/training no later than six (6) months after graduation. After
completing postgraduate residency/training, participants will have three (3) months to
commence employment before being considered non-compliant with contract terms and
being at risk of default. Participants can pursue only the postgraduate training that the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program has officially approved, and participants should not
make any changes to the type or length of postgraduate training without prior approval
from the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program; failure to do so may result in breach of
contract and a recommendation for default. Participants who have not requested or have
not been granted service deferment to complete a postgraduate nursing residency
program are required to begin their Nurse Corps Scholarship Program service obligation
upon degree completion as outlined in the Service Requirements section.
To gain approval from the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program to enter a postgraduate
residency/training program, participants must submit a written request for deferment of
their service obligation and a copy of their acceptance letter to the postgraduate
residency/training program through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service
Portal. Residency requests cannot be approved until participants complete the nursing
program for which they were awarded. The written request MUST include, or provide as
an attachment, a detailed description of the residency program. The Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program will review the Postgraduate Training Deferment Request and either
approve or disapprove the request.
Participants will not receive Nurse Corps Scholarship Program financial support during
their approved postgraduate residency/training, nor will they incur any additional Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program service obligation because of the service deferment.
Participants’ Requirements While in Deferred Status for Postgraduate Training
To remain in compliance with program requirements, participants must pursue only the
postgraduate training that the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program has officially approved
and should not make any changes to the type or length of postgraduate training without
prior approval from the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. Participants are required to
notify the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program in writing, within 30 days of their new
mailing address, email address, and/or any changes that affect their training status.
After graduation, participants entering a residency/training program that is not
preapproved are out of compliance with the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
requirements and are subject to the actions described in the Consequences of Non-
Compliance section of this Guidance.
Participants who withdraw or are terminated from the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
approved postgraduate residency/training program are required to notify the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program immediately through the Bureau of Health Workforce
Customer Service Portal, and begin service as required in the Service Requirements
Failure to take these steps will lead to default, and participants who default on their
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program service obligation incur the debt described in the
Breaching the Contract section of this guidance.
Service Credit During Postgraduate Residency/Training
With prior approval, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program offers credit for nurse
practitioner postgraduate residency/training toward satisfying participants' service
obligation if the training occurs at an eligible Critical Shortage Facility in a Health
Professional Shortage Area with a score of 14 or higher.
Nurse practitioner residents must meet the full-time or part-time clinical practice
definition in this guidance (see the Appendices for a glossary of terms). Participants
must comply with the service requirements, including having a site point of contact
who will submit an in-service verification form every six months.
Please note the following:
For participants with approval to apply their postgraduate residency/training to their
service obligation, the residency/training must be at an eligible Critical Shortage
Facility located in a Health Professional Shortage Area with a score of 14 or higher.
Participants who have received permission to receive service credit for the time they
spend in their postgraduate residency/clinical training will be considered in breach of
their service obligation if they do not complete their residency/training program.
A Nurse Corps Scholarship participant’s transition from school to service is important and
requires a participant’s full attention. Participants nearing their graduation should refer to
the Transition to Service Guide on our website ( for
detailed guidance about each phase of their transition to service. By accepting the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program award, participants are entering into a contract with the
United States Government. Participants are required to practice at an eligible Critical
Shortage Facility located in, designated as, or serving a mental health or primary care
Health Professional Shortage Area with a score of 14 or higher.
The Health Professional Shortage Area score must be 14 or higher at the time the
participant provides a copy of the permanent, unencumbered, and unrestricted nursing
license for the awarded discipline, and has accepted an employment offer approved by the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. Participants must refer to the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program Application and Program Guidance for the current year to verify the selected
Critical Shortage Facility meets the minimum Health Professional Shortage Area
requirement for their service obligation.
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program must approve the site where participants wish
to complete their service prior to the acceptance of employment to receive service
credit. There is no guarantee that Critical Shortage Facilities eligible during participants’
training will maintain eligibility at the time participants are available to start their service
obligation. Participants may need to relocate to find a job that meets service
requirements. To complete the service obligation, after graduation participants must do
the following:
1. Obtain a license.
Within nine (9) months of graduation as a registered nurse or, an advanced practice
registered nurse, and prior to commencing service at a Critical Shortage Facility, Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program participants must be permanently licensed to practice in
the state where they will complete their service obligation. In addition, advanced
practice registered nurses are required to pass a national certification examination for
their specialty (that is administered by a nationally recognized certifying body) prior to
obtaining their license to commence service.
a. Credit towards fulfillment of the service commitment will not be given in the
absence of a current, unencumbered permanent license in the state of service,
or, if serving in a federal facility, in a state. A participant whose license becomes
encumbered must notify Health Resources and Services Administration
immediately through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal.
b. Service credit will NOT be given until the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program has
received documentation that all licensure and certification requirements have
been met. Documents should be uploaded in the Bureau of Health Workforce
Customer Service Portal.
c. Responsibility for obtaining the required state license (and national
certification exam, if applicable) prior to the service start date rests with the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participant.
d. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants are encouraged to take the
appropriate licensure/certification exams at a time that will allow them to meet all
licensing requirements and obtain a position at a Critical Shortage Facility within
nine (9) months after graduation from their clinical nursing program.
e. If a participant is unsuccessful in obtaining a license or passing the certification
exam(s) within nine (9) months of their graduation date, the participant should
immediately contact the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program through the Bureau
of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal to request a suspension.
2. Obtain a Position at a Critical Shortage Facility
To receive service credit, Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants will have up to
nine (9) months from their date of graduation to: (1) accept an offer of employment
and (2) commence full-time (or approved part-time) employment in the nursing
capacity for which their scholarship was funded, with a Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program-approved Critical Shortage Facility (see boxed section under the list of Critical
Shortage Facilities).
Participants can complete their service obligation at multiple sites, provided the sites
are under a single employer or within the same network under dependent satellite
facilities. All sites must meet the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program Critical Shortage
Facility eligibility requirements as described in this Guidance. In such case there may
be multiple points of contact, however there should be one designated point of
contact responsible for completing and verifying an In-Service Verification for all sites
at which the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participant is employed.
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants who are performing telehealth are
encouraged to utilize Health Resources and Services Administration’s Telehealth
Resource Centers. These centers provide free telehealth technical assistance and
training for providers using telehealth. Participants will receive service credit when
providing telehealth services in a manner consistent with their service site’s telehealth
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program requires participants to be employed full-time or
part-time throughout the year, including those employed by a school-based Critical
Shortage Facility. If the school-based Critical Shortage Facility is not open year-round,
the participant may transfer to an approved Critical Shortage Facility during months
the school-based Critical Shortage Facility is closed. Providers who work at school-
based clinics that are not open year-round will not receive service credit for any period
of time they are not serving at an approved Critical Shortage Facility (refer to the
Eligible Health Care Facility Types section). A participant’s Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program service obligation will be extended if they exceed the annual allotted time
they are allowed to be away from the service site.
Participants must contact the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program prior to accepting
employment to ensure the service site and position are eligible. Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program must approve service locations to ensure each participant’s compliance with all
requirements related to their service obligation.
3. Perform Full-Time or Part-Time Clinical Service
Participants can satisfy their service obligations either on a full-time or, with written
approval from the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program, on a part-time basis. At least 80
percent of the hours each week must be spent providing clinical services, or direct
patient care, to patients.
a. Full-time clinical practice is defined as a minimum of 32 hours per week. At least
26 hours per week must be spent providing clinical services or direct patient care
at the approved site. The remaining six (6) hours can be spent on administrative
or other non-clinical activities.
b. Part-time clinical practice is defined as a minimum of 16 hours per week and up
to a maximum of 31 hours per week. Participants wishing to serve part-time
must first obtain approval from Nurse Corps Scholarship Program and must
extend their service obligation so that the accumulated amount of service
performed will equal the amount of a full-time service obligation.
c. Under the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program, participants are not permitted to take
more than seven (7) weeks (regardless of how many days per week served) per
service year of leave from the approved service site for any reason, including for
vacation, holidays, continuing professional education, or illness. If a participant
has a medical or personal emergency that will result in an extended period of
absence, they must request a suspension of their Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program service commitment. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will consider
all requests but cannot guarantee that a suspension request will be approved.
If a suspension is requested and approved, the participant’s service commitment
end date will be extended accordingly.
Note: The information provided above pertains to compliance with the Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program service obligation only. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-
approved Critical Shortage Facility sites are private entities, and participants are
responsible for confirming leave and absence policies with their specific employer.
4. Verification of Initial and Ongoing Employment During Service Obligation
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants who have completed school and are
entering into their service obligation by providing clinical nursing services must have
their initial employment verified through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer
Service Portal before being placed on duty, and then every six (6) months until their
service obligation has been fulfilled. To verify employment, an authorized official or
point of contact at the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-approved Critical Shortage
Facility must certify the initial terms of employment and the site type where each
participant will work. In addition, the site official must verify the participant’s
compliance with the full-time or part-time service requirement during each six-month
period through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal, and indicate
whether the participant is noncompliant with any requirement. The service
verification process is also the mechanism to record participants approved leave from
the Critical Shortage Facility.
Participants will be recommended for default of their service obligation for failure to:
Obtain an unencumbered license;
Accept an offer of employment from a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-
approved Critical Shortage Facility site; or
Commence full-time (or approved part-time) clinical services at the facility
within nine months of their date of graduation; or verify their employment.
Participants who default on their Nurse Corps Scholarship Program service obligation incur
the debt described in the Breaching the Contract section of this guidance.
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants are required to provide full-time (or if
approved, part-time) clinical service in an eligible Critical Shortage Facility and will be
expected to obtain the commitment of a site point of contact to verify service hours. An
eligible Critical Shortage is a Critical Shortage Facility located in, designated as, or serving a
primary care or mental Health Professional Shortage Area.
Examples of Eligible Primary Care Settings, Hospitals and other Critical Shortage Facilities
Primary Care Settings
Federally Qualified Health Center
Community Mental Health Center
Certified Behavioral Health Clinics are eligible under Community Health Center.
Rural Health Clinic
Outpatient Facility
State or Local Health Department
Critical Access Hospital
Small Rural Hospital
American Indian Health Facility
School Based Clinic
Nurse Managed Health Clinic/Center
Free and Charitable Clinic
Native Hawaiian Health Center
Hospital and Other Critical Shortage Facilities
Urgent Care Center
Disproportionate Shared Hospitals
Public Hospitals
Private Hospitals
Home Health Agency
Ambulatory Surgical Center
End Stage Renal Disease Dialysis Centers
Hospice Program
Residential Nursing Home
The facilities and employment statuses below are ineligible and do not satisfy the required service
Clinics in prisons and correctional facilities
Any entity that is not located in a Health Professional Shortage Area
Nurse Staffing Agency/Travel Nurse Agency/or equivalent Contracting Agencies
Nurses working Pro Re Nata or on an as-needed basis.
If a participant is not sure whether a facility fits into one of the categories above, they
should contact the facility’s business office or human resources department. Applicants are
strongly encouraged to research the types of nursing opportunities that exist in Critical
Critical Access Hospitals are included as eligible within this Critical Shortage Facility.
State psychiatric hospitals must use facility Health Professional Shortage Area to determine site eligibility population and
geographic Health Professional Shortage Areas cannot be used.
Note: The health care facilities listed above are examples of the types of entities that
may constitute a Critical Shortage Facility. However, an entity will only be designated as
a Critical Shortage Facility if located in, designated as, or serving a primary care or
mental Health Professional Shortage Area. Participants must serve in a Critical
Shortage Facility with a Health Professional Shortage Area score of 14 or higher.
Shortage Facilities using the Health Professional Shortage Area Find and Health Workforce
Connector before applying to or accepting a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award. These
resources assist with identifying facilities with Health Professional Shortage Area
designations, as well as employment and training opportunities in underserved communities
across the nation.
Note: The health care facilities that employ Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants
are responsible for paying participants’ salaries. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
participants negotiate their own salary and benefits packages with the Critical Shortage
Facility where they are employed after graduation. Additionally, all participants are required
to fulfill the service obligation at a Critical Shortage Facility in the discipline (registered nurse
or nurse practitioner) under which they were funded.
Participants who must relocate to accept a position in a different geographic area will
not receive a relocation incentive or reimbursement from the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Health Professional Shortage Areas
Health Professional Shortage Areas are designated by Health Resources and Services
Administration as having shortages of primary care, mental health, or dental health
providers. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will only use primary care and mental
Health Professional Shortage Area designations and scores in determining whether a site
qualifies as a Critical Shortage Facility. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program does NOT
use dental Health Professional Shortage Area scores in determining the eligibility of a site.
Participants must work at a Critical Shortage Facility with a primary care or mental health
score of 14 or above.
For each discipline category, there are three different types of Health Professional
Shortage Area designations:
1) geographic (a county or service area);
2) population group (e.g., low-income population, migratory agricultural workers); and
3) facility (e.g., rural health clinic, Federally Qualified Health Center).
Please note, serving uninsured, Medicare and/or Medicaid populations, in and of itself
does not qualify an area, population, or facility as a Health Professional Shortage Area.
Participants should consult the Health Professional Shortage Area websites listed below for more
Find Shortages by Address: Enter the Critical Shortage Facility’s address to see if
the facility is in a Health Professional Shortage Area. The facility MUST be in a
primary care or mental Health Professional Shortage area. More specifically,
“Yes” must appear beside “In a Primary Care or Mental Health Professional
Shortage Area.” The primary care/mental Health Professional Shortage Area
score(s) will appear beneath the respective designation(s).
Health Professional Shortage Area Find: Find Health Professional Shortage Areas
by state, county, and type of shortage (select only primary care or mental
Health Professional Shortage Area scores are ONLY used to determine the eligibility of the
facility and do not imply or infer the capacity in which a nurse must work. You are required
to fulfill the service obligation in the discipline for which you were funded but are eligible
to work in any Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-approved Critical Shortage Facility site.
A Health Professional Shortage Area score or Health Professional Shortage Area
designation status can change over time. A facility may have one Health Professional
Shortage Area score at the time a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participant begins
nursing school but have a different Health Professional Shortage Area score (or no longer
be in a Health Professional Shortage Area) by the time the participant completes nursing
school. Site eligibility is based on the Health Professional Shortage Area score in effect at the
time the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program approves a participant to serve at the site.
Worksite Absences
Participants are required to serve a minimum of 45 weeks per service year and are allowed
to be on leave from the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-approved Critical Shortage Facility
site for no more than seven (7) weeks (regardless of how many days per week served) per
service year. A participant’s service obligation end date is extended for each day of absence
over the allowable seven (7) weeks (approximately 35 workdays) missed.
Service Verification
To comply with program requirements, participants must use the Bureau of Health
Workforce Customer Service Portal to identify an authorized point of contact for the
approved service site, who will need to create a portal account to complete and submit
the initial Enrollment Verification Form and continue to complete ongoing In-Service
Verifications. If a participant’s site point of contact is unable to provide In-Service
Verifications online through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal, the
participant should contact the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program immediately through the
Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal, by email, or by phone (1-800-221-
Participants who fail to complete and timely submit their In-Service Verifications every
six (6) months through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal will not
receive service credit and may be recommended for default. In-Service Verifications
must be submitted within 30 days of the In-Service Verification request being generated
through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal.
Transfer to Another Approved Critical Shortage Facility
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program expects that participants will fulfill their service
obligation at the initial Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-approved Critical Shortage
Facility; however, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program understands that circumstances
may arise that require a participant to leave the initial facility and complete their service at
another eligible Critical Shortage Facility. If a participant can no longer continue working at
their approved facility, they must contact the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
immediately through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal before the
participant leaves their site.
Detailed instructions on how to complete a Change My Site Request are provided in
Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal.
request a transfer to another site via the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service
Portal, go to the Activities section, then to Change My Site Request. The request must
include the reason for the transfer and initiation of an Employment Verification Form to
the prospective site to determine whether the position is eligible and if the site is an
eligible Critical Shortage Facility. All transfers require prior approval.
Participants must transfer to an approved critical shortage facility with a designated site
point of contact that has an active Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal
account. That site point of contact must be willing and able to complete all electronic
verifications, including Employment Verifications and In-Service Verifications, through the
Participants must continue to meet all of the service obligation requirements at their prospective
transfer site.
Unemployment During Service Obligation
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants who resign or are terminated from their
Critical Shortage Facility must contact the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program immediately
through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal. The Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program will provide the participant a certain period in which to obtain an
offer and accept a position at an eligible Critical Shortage Facility. It is the participant’s
responsibility to obtain employment at an eligible Critical Shortage Facility. Participants
who do not secure employment at an eligible Critical Shortage Facility within the allotted
timeframe provided by the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program may be recommended for
Request for Suspension
Participants are required to request a suspension for an extended workplace absence of seven (7)
consecutive weeks or more. Such requests may be approved by the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program. Requests should be submitted through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service
Portal prior to the period of leave. Participants are required to serve a minimum of 45 weeks per
service year and are allowed to be away from the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program-approved Critical
Shortage Facility site for no more than seven (7) weeks per service year; therefore, a participant’s
obligation end date is extended for each day of absence over the allowable seven (7) weeks
(approximately 35 workdays) missed.
Breaching the Contract
A participant is in breach of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program contract if they:
Fail to maintain an acceptable level of academic standing in the nursing program
(as determined by the nursing program in accordance with requirements of the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program); or
Are dismissed from the nursing program for disciplinary reasons; or
Voluntarily terminate the nursing program; or
Fail to begin or complete the service obligation as specified in their Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program contract.
Failure to complete service for any reason is a breach of the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program contract. The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will work with participants to
assist them, to the extent possible, to avoid a breach and fulfill the service obligation. A
participant should immediately contact the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program if a situation
arises in which they are potentially unable to fulfill their service obligation. If the Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program contract is breached, the participant will be placed in default
and will be liable to repay all Nurse Corps Scholarship payments received. This includes the
amounts withheld for federal taxes, plus interest at the maximum legal prevailing rate,
from the date of the breach of the Nurse Corps Scholarship contract and must be repaid
within three (3) years of the date of the participant’s default.
Please note a breach of contract may permanently disqualify an individual from
receiving future awards under the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program and some other
Health Resources and Services Administration federal programs. Failure to repay the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program debt within three (3) years will result in delinquency
and have the following consequences:
1. The debt is reported to credit reporting agencies as delinquent. During the three-year
repayment period, the debt is reported to credit reporting agencies as “current.” If the
debt becomes past due, it is reported as “delinquent.”
2. The debt is referred to a debt collection agency and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Any Nurse Corps Scholarship Program debt past due for 45 days will be referred to a
debt collection agency. If the debt collection agency is unsuccessful in receiving
payment in full, the debt will be referred to the U.S. Department of Justice for
enforced collection.
3. Administrative offset. Federal and/or state payments due to participants (e.g., an
income tax refund) may be offset by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to repay a
delinquent Nurse Corps Scholarship Program debt. In addition, recovery through
Administrative Wage Garnishment will be enforced to repay a delinquent Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program debt.
4. Medicare/Medicaid Exclusion. As a clinician, you will not be able to participate in
Medicare/Medicaid billing. (This does not prevent you as an individual from applying
for Medicare benefits.)
Suspension and Waiver
The Secretary or designee may, under certain circumstances, suspend (put “on hold”) or
waive (excuse) the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program service or payment obligation. A
written request for a suspension or waiver must be submitted through the Bureau of
Health Workforce Customer Service Portal and be supported by full medical and/or
financial information. Additional supporting documentation demonstrating a compelling
circumstance is required in order to process a request.
Suspension. A mechanism that provides temporary relief to a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program
participant if they have a short-term (not permanent) circumstance that currently make compliance
with the obligation impossible or would involve an extreme hardship to the participant such that
enforcement of the obligation would be unconscionable. Periods of approved suspension will extend
the participant’s Nurse Corps Scholarship Program service obligation end date. The major categories
of service suspensions are set forth below.
a. Medical or Personal Hardship. A suspension can be granted for up to one year, if a
participant provides independent medical documentation of a physical or mental
health disability, or personal hardship, including a terminal or debilitating illness of
an immediate family member, which results in the participant’s temporary inability
to perform the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program obligation. Upon receipt of the
suspension request, the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will notify the participant
with instructions for submitting supporting documentation.
b. Maternity/Paternity/Adoption Leave. A maternity/paternity/adoption leave request will be
approved by the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program if adequately documented in the Bureau of
Health Workforce Customer Service Portal. If participants plan to be away from their approved
service site for maternity/paternity/adoption leave, participants are required to submit their
suspension request through the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal before
taking leave. Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will allow participants to be away from their
service site within the timeframes established by either the Family Medical Leave Act (up to 12
weeks) or for a longer period as permitted under state law where the participant resides,
consistent with the leave policies of the employer. If participants plan to take leave beyond the
allowed maternity/ paternity/adoption leave period, participants are required to contact the
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program for guidance. Remember that a participant may be away from
the Nurse Corps Scholarship approved service site for no more than seven (7) weeks per service
year; therefore, after a suspension, a participant's obligation end date will be extended for each
day of a Nurse Corps Scholarship-approved absence over the allowable seven (7) weeks.
c. Call to Active Duty in the Armed Forces. Participants who are also military reservists
and are called to active duty are granted a suspension for up to one year, beginning
on the activation date described in the reservist’s call to active-duty order. In addition
to the written request for a suspension, a copy of the order to active duty must be
submitted to Nurse Corps Scholarship Program. Upon receipt of the written request,
the suspension will be extended if the participant’s period of active duty is extended.
The period of active military duty will not be credited toward the Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program service obligation.
Waiver. A mechanism that permanently relieves a participant of all or part of the Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program service or payment obligation. A waiver may be granted only if a participant
demonstrates that compliance with the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program obligation: (a) is impossible,
or (b) would involve an extreme hardship such that enforcement of the obligation would be
unconscionable. Compliance would be impossible if a participant documents that they suffer from a
physical or mental disability that results in their permanent inability to serve their obligation or to be
gainfully employed in any capacity and pay their debt. The request must be submitted in writing to
the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program and must specify the reason(s) the waiver is being sought. The
participant will be contacted directly by the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program regarding the medical
and financial documentation necessary to process the waiver request. Waivers are not routinely
granted and require a demonstration of compelling circumstances as described above.
Cancellation of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program Service Obligation. A participant’s Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program obligation is cancelled only in the unfortunate event of the participant’s death.
No liability is transferred to a participant’s heirs.
Application Information
As previously stated, applicants are encouraged to read this Guidance in its entirety before
proceeding with an application. The Guidance explains in detail the rights and obligations of
individuals selected to participate in the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program.
Applicants should ensure they have a complete understanding of: (1) the commitment to
complete a nursing education program and serve at an eligible Critical Shortage Facility for a
minimum of two years, and (2) the financial, legal, and other consequences of failing to
meet those obligations. Applicants are strongly encouraged to research nursing
opportunities that exist in various Critical Shortage Facilities before applying to the program.
All participants are required to fulfill the service obligation in the discipline for which they
are funded.
The online application and all supporting documents must be submitted to the Bureau
of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal by 7:30 p.m. ET on May 2, 2024.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to upload all supporting documents in PDF format
to expedite processing of their application.
Application Information
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program application consists of:
(1) An online application,
(2) Required supporting documentation, and
(3) Additional supporting documentation (if applicable).
Applicants are advised to keep a copy of their completed application package for their
records. The information submitted in the online application must match the information
submitted in the supporting documentation.
Applicants are responsible for submitting a complete application. Application packages are
initially reviewed to determine their completeness and consistency with underlying
supporting documents. Application packages deemed incomplete (e.g., blank, password
protected, illegible, or incomplete application materials) as of the application deadline will
not be considered for funding.
The Nurse Corps Scholarship Program will not accept requests to update a submitted
application or permit the submission/resubmission of incomplete, rejected, or otherwise
delayed application materials after the deadline. In addition, Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program staff will not contact applicants, make changes to the applicant’s choice of
school or discipline entered on the submitted application, or fill in any missing
information. If a document cannot be viewed or accessed, that document will not be
considered and may cause the entire application to be deemed ineligible.
If an applicant transfers to a different school after the submission of the application and
prior to a signed Nurse Corps Scholarship contract, the application will be deemed
ineligible for an award.
Applicants are required to complete each of the sections below:
a. Eligibility Screening. If an individual does not meet the eligibility requirements
in the online application, they will not be able to continue with the
application. Please refer to the Application Eligibility Requirements section of
this Guidance for further details.
b. Full-time Status Confirmation. Answers to this section demonstrate the
applicant’s status as a full-time nursing student.
c. General Information. Answers to this section pertain to the applicant’s name,
Social Security number, mailing and email addresses, and other contact
d. Background Information. Answers to this section pertain to the educational
background, individual and family background, and emergency contact
e. Degree Information. Answers to this section should pertain only to the
degree or certificate program for which the applicant is applying for a
Nurse Corps Scholarship.
f. Letters of Recommendation. Applicants are required to submit two (2)
letters of recommendation, one academic and one non-academic. All
letters of recommendation must be completed online through the online
application portal. For each letter, the applicant’s desired recommenders
will be sent a link to the online recommender portal. The application can
be submitted for processing only after the letters of recommendation are
uploaded into the portal. If the original recommender cannot provide a
recommendation letter, the applicant must cancel the original
recommendation request and submit the name of another individual
selected to complete the letter of recommendation before the application
deadline. An application will not be complete until the recommender has
uploaded a signed (either handwritten or electronic) letter of
recommendation. The applicant will not be notified if the recommender
does not complete or upload the letter. The applicant is only notified
if/when the recommender uploads a letter.
The applicant is responsible for checking the portal, verifying the
recommenders uploaded the letters of recommendation into the portal, and
submitting the application once completed. The burden is on the applicant to
submit a completed application through the portal.
Note: The recommendation letters should include the following: application ID number of
the applicant; and the recommender’s name, title, organization, address, and
handwritten or electronic signature. The recommendation letters should not include the
applicant’s name, address, or email address. The recommendation letters may also be on
institution/organization letterhead.
g. Academic Letter of Recommendation. If the applicant is currently enrolled in
the nursing program, the recommendation letter should be from the
department chair, faculty advisor, or a faculty member of that academic
program who can attest to the applicant’s qualifications. If the applicant has not
begun the training associated with the scholarship, the signed letter should be
from the department chair, faculty advisor, or a faculty member of the
applicant’s most recent academic program. The letter must describe their
relationship to the applicant and length of time acquainted with the applicant.
The recommendation letter should address the three discussion points
described in the instructions in the recommender online portal. Recommenders
will be emailed a unique link to access their portal account.
h. Non-Academic Letter of Recommendation. The recommendation letter
should be from an individual who is familiar with the applicant’s
professional, community, and/or civic activities, especially those related to
underserved communities and, if applicable, federal pipeline (see the
Appendix for a glossary of terms) program experience. The recommender
can be an employer or previous employer, community leader, colleague, or
anyone who has knowledge of the applicant’s interest and motivation to
provide care to underserved communities. Applicants should encourage
recommenders to document any experience in high priority service areas
(i.e., Indian Health, Rural, Tribal, Federally Qualified Health Center, and
Community Health Center) or federal pipeline programs. The recommender
must describe their relationship to and length of time acquainted with the
applicant. The recommendation letter should address the discussion points
described in the instructions to the recommender. The recommender cannot
be a relative of the applicant or be the same individual who completed the
Academic Letter of Recommendation. Recommenders will be emailed a
unique link to access their portal account.
i. Self-Certification. Applicants are required to certify the accuracy,
truthfulness, and completeness of their application and information entered
in the online application.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all required supporting documents have
been uploaded by May 2, 7:30 p.m. ET. Failure to submit a complete application
package by the deadline will deem the applicant ineligible and the applicant will not
be considered for a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award. Applicants must upload
all supporting documents at the time of the online application submission. Each
document submitted must include the applicant’s first name, last name, and
application number. Career Pathways applicants, doulas, and lactation consultants
pursing a registered nurse degree must upload an active/current certificate and/or
a. Authorization to Release Information Form. Applicants must download the Authorization to
Release Information” form from the online application. Applicants must fill out, sign, and
upload the form to the application. The signature may be handwritten or an electronic
signature. Electronic signatures that contain a date stamp or require a PIN to place the
signature on the form are acceptable. Also, signatures signed with a stylus are acceptable.
Electronic Signatures that are typed only are not acceptable.
b. Proof of U.S. Citizenship, U.S. National, or Lawful Permanent Resident. Acceptable proof
includes a copy of a U.S. Birth Certificate, Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization;
unexpired U.S. Passport; U.S. Passport Card, or Permanent Resident Card (Green Card).
Note that a state Driver’s License, Nursing License, Social Security card and Non-
Driver's ID are not proof of U.S. Citizenship or status as a U.S. National or Lawful
Permanent Resident.
c. Verification of Acceptance/Enrollment Verification Form. The Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program uses the Enrollment Verification Forms to confirm the student’s enrollment and
status, program start date of no later than September 30, 2024, for the 2024-2025
academic year, expected date of program completion, graduation date, academic standing
in the nursing program, institution’s name and address, and the official contact person for
the school of nursing.
d. Free Application for Student Aid (FAFSA) Submission Summary. Applicants must
upload a complete, official 2024-2025 FAFSA Submission Summary issued by the
U.S. Department of Education in PDF format. Failure to provide a complete, official
2024-25 FAFSA Submission Summary will render an application ineligible.
Additionally, the following documents will not be accepted and render an
application ineligible: Submission Summaries received from institutions other than
the U.S. Department of Education; incomplete or partial 2024-2025 FAFSA
Submission Summary files; Student Aid Index Report files issued in 2023 or earlier.
e. Current Tuition and Fee Schedule. Each applicant must provide a tuition and
required fees schedule for the 2024-2025 academic year for their specific school
and program or, if not yet available, the most recent tuition and required fees
schedule published by the school in the school catalog or on its website.
f. Completed Essay Question. The applicant must provide a typed response to the
essay question below that does not exceed one and a half pages single-spaced with
Times New Roman 12-point font. At the top of the essay response, the applicant
must include their applicant ID number generated by the application as the only
identifier. The applicant should not include a name, address, or email address on
the essay response.
Essay Question: Describe what motivates you to be interested in providing
health care to underserved communities in support of the Nurse Corps
Scholarship Program mission. Provide specific personal and professional
experience demonstrating your interest in positively impacting underserved
communities (i.e., participating in a federal pipeline program, community service,
If you have successfully completed participation in any federal pipeline program,
please highlight your experiences in the essay and consider having a reference
from one of the pipeline programs write one of your required letters of
g. Academic Transcript. Applicants that have not completed one full academic
term in the program for which they are seeking Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program funding must submit an official or unofficial transcript from the most
recently completed undergraduate or graduate academic program attended (or
high school, if applicable). The transcript must display the applicant’s name,
school name, courses taken, grades received for each course, and cumulative
Grade Point Average.
a. Documentation Regarding Existing Service Obligation
If an applicant’s responses indicate that they have an outstanding service
obligation to another program, additional documentation must be submitted.
Specifically, the applicant must submit a Statement Regarding Existing Service
Obligation, which is a written statement (satisfactory to the Secretary) provided by
the entity to which the applicant owes an existing service obligation (see
Application Eligibility Requirements) stating that:
there is no potential conflict in fulfilling the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program obligation and the entity’s obligation; and
the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program service obligation will be served
first. Only applicants who have these documents listed on the
Supporting Documents page of their online application should submit
them. These documents will be added to their Supporting Documents
list once the online application has been submitted.
b. Proof of Certificate. Career Pathways applicants, doulas, and lactation consultants must
upload an active/current certificate and/or licensure.
c. Registered Nurse License. Direct entry program applicants must upload a copy of their
unencumbered registered nurse license from a U.S. state, the District of Columbia, or a
U.S. territory.
Application Review and Award Process
The deadline for submitting an online application and supporting documentation is May 2,
2024, at 7:30 p.m. ET. Applicants will receive an “application submitted successfully”
confirmation message once the application has been successfully submitted via the online
The application review process will take approximately three to four months. Finalists for
a Nurse Corps Scholarship Program award will receive a Confirmation of Interest email.
Once notified, applicants can choose to accept or decline the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program award. Awards are subject to the availability of funds. All applicants, whether
selected for an award or not, will be notified of the decision by no later than September
30, 2024.
An applicant eligible for awards will receive the Confirmation of Interest email no later
than September 30, 2024. To accept the award and confirm continued interest an
applicant must respond by the deadline indicated in the Confirmation of Interest email. If
the applicant does not respond to the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program by the deadline,
the applicant is no longer eligible. The Confirmation of Interest is not a guarantee that the
individual will receive an award, as availability of funding depends on Congress. Applicants
who respond by the deadline are asked to:
a. Sign the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program contract;
b. Complete the online banking form for direct deposit;
c. Complete the Enrollment Verification Form; and
d. Complete the W-4 form.
Applicants selected for an award must be enrolled as a full-time student during the 2024-
2025 academic year and full-time class attendance must begin on or before September 30,
Applicants are required to submit their nursing program plan of study (i.e., a list of
classes each term). Applicants who will not begin classes on or before September 30,
2024, including applicants who are on a leave of absence from school through
September 30, 2024, must decline the award.
Individuals selected for an award who decide not to accept the award may decline the
scholarship support without further obligation. However, once an applicant declines the
offer of award, the award will be offered to an alternate. There will not be any
opportunities to reclaim the award. A decision to decline the scholarship award is final
and cannot be changed under any circumstance. An applicant who declines an award
may apply in the next application cycle. Please subscribe to the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Application cycle email list to receive email notifications and guidance before and
throughout future application cycles.
Additional Information
The purpose of this information collection is to obtain information through the Nurse Corps Scholarship
Program that is used to assess a Scholarship Program applicant’s eligibility and qualifications for the Nurse
Corp Scholarship Program, monitor a participant’s continued enrollment in a school of nursing, and
monitor the participant’s compliance with the program’s service obligation. Individuals interested in
participating in the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program must submit an application to the Nurse Corps. An
agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information
unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this information
collection is 0915-0301 and it is valid until 05/31/2026. Public reporting burden for this collection of
information is estimated to average 0.68 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including
suggestions for reducing this burden, to HRSA Reports Clearance Officer, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room
14N136B, Rockville, Maryland, 20857.
See the Appendix for a glossary of terms, which contains the general definitions for BHW terms used
throughout this Guidance.
Health Workforce Connector
The Health Workforce Connector contains a free searchable database for many, but not all, Nurse
Corps Scholarship Program approved service sites, including those with current job openings.
Note: The Health Workforce Connector may contain sites with a Primary Care or Mental Health
Professional Shortage Area score below the required score of 14. Please search for “Nurse Corps
Active” sites and filter by Health Professional Shortage Area score, as other programs also use the
Health Workforce Connector.
Health Professional Shortage Area Find
All Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants must serve in a federally designated Primary
Care or Mental Health Professional Shortage Area with a score of 14 or higher. The websites
below provide an understanding of where Health Professional Shortage Areas are currently
Health Professional Shortage Area Find
Find Shortages by Address
Customer Care Center
Any individual with questions about the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program may contact the
Customer Care Center at 1-800-221-9393 (TTY 1-877-897-9910) Monday through Friday (except
federal holidays), 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. ET.
Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal
Once an applicant has been selected for an award, they will be provided with instructions for
establishing an account on the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal. This web-
based system allows Nurse Corps Scholarship Program participants to communicate with the
Nurse Corps Scholarship, to make certain requests (e.g., suspensions, transfers, waivers), and to
access the 6-month In-School Verification form.
Nurse Corps Social Media
Nurse Corps Facebook
Nurse Corps LinkedIn
Note: Announcements and information posted by the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program on social
media sites are informal and unofficial communications. Official program policies and
requirements are set forth in this Application to Program Guidance for the applicable contract, on
the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program website, and through other communications provided to
the participant via the Bureau of Health Workforce Customer Service Portal.
Glossary: Nurse Corps Scholarship Program School Year 2024-2025 Application Program and Guidance
Nurse Corps Scholarship Program: Frequently Asked Questions