General Outline - Scholarship Cover Letter
Letter Margin Format: Your Name
Top 2.0” Your Mailing Address
Left & Right 1.5” Your City, State ZIP
Your Phone Number (including your area code)
Your E-mail
Date of Letter (Ex: January 1, 2011)
3 Blank Spaces
Scholarship Organization Name
Scholarship Organization Mailing Address
Scholarship Organization City, State ZIP
1 Blank Space
(If possible address it to the particular person by name)
1 Blank Space
Opening Paragraph: State the field of study that you are going
into, what scholarship you’re applying for, and mention how you
heard about the scholarship.
1 Blank Space
Middle Paragraph: State why you are deserving of this scholarship
and if possible, reference activities, awards, and/or work
experience that relates to the scholarship. Some scholarships ask
for specific information to be addressed in the cover letter. This is
where you would put that information.
1 Blank Space
Closing Paragraph: Refer the reader to your enclosed application,
résumé, transcript, etc. and thank them for taking the time to
review your application.
1 Blank Space
3 Blank Spaces (sign the letter here – Use BLUE OR BLACK ink)
Your Name Typed
1 Blank Space
(this means that you have other papers accompanying this letter)